Wednesday, 25 July 2007


Thought I would give a bit more detail on what these bubbles are all about. I have a small pneumothorax, this means I have air in the chest cavity and my (in this case left) lung is not inflating completely. It is really a very small bubble but of course I cannot fly or leave hospital until it has gone. I am still on Oxygen because this apparently helps the air to absorb naturally and the breathing exercises and physio is all supposed to help as well so fingers crossed.

Had another X-Ray this morning and am waiting to hear from the Doc....

I feel fine now, even the ICD is starting to get comfortable. I had the dressing changed today and it is all healing up very nicely.

The Harry Potter book was excellent...


Anonymous said...

That physio has got a particularly big grin - what's your right hand up to, Cockers?

Glad you're feeling better, fingers crossed for a Saturday flight...

Kerrio said...

It was good wasn't it? I could not put it down last night and finished at 1 AM. Ooooer!

I'm talking about the Harry Potter of course!
